Oadby & Wigston
Age UK Oadby & Wigston have been in their local community for over 30 years. They offer a vast range of services that include: Cafe and Drop in Centre, The’ Elderberries’ Senior Social Day Care Group and Charity Shop along with helpful and supportive information and advice. Now we are pleased to say they also offer it’s users a wonderful Sensory Garden.
The Age UK Sensory Garden has been designed to create a lovely sensory area where all the visitors can happily retreat and relax. A colourful, stimulating pathway has been installed to lead the adults around the garden and into the newly installed beach hut. From here they can just sit and enjoy their surroundings. This pathway has been carefully laid on a quality base to ensure it has safe ground for those with walking aids and who are uneasy on their feet.
In the centre of the garden we installed a patch of artificial grass. This gives an all year round wonderful colour to the garden. Unlike natural grass being maintenance free this is a great bonus to Age UK.
An attractive curved planter has been fitted inside the pathway. In the centre of the planter we have positioned our Cascading Cup water feature. This brings that wonderful effect of running water to the garden. Also, the planter has been mixed with a range of sensory planting, this infuses a lovely aroma into the garden. For added convenience with have installed a timer to the water feature to turn it on and off at specific times as set. So no manual activation is actually required.
The beach hut type shelter has been installed in the garden as requested by their service users. This was installed around a bed of sand to create the lovely sand between your toes beach effect. Although we did resin fix the sand to provide a more secure and harder surface for everyone’s walking safety.
Check out the Age UK – Oadby and Wigston website to see if they can be of assistance to you.